Hear the Music Before the Song is Over

The worst part is how busy we all get. There is
barely time anymore, see how you are on the rush…like literally so and that’s
why you won’t meet me for lunch or hang out over the weekend. See how you are
killing our friendship slowly? Don’t say I never warned you. But forget about
me, how about your folks? How long have you been planning the visit that never
happens? Is the rush consuming you? Surprisingly what makes everyone rush is
the quest for an ‘ideal’ life. Of course we all want to earn as much as we can
then live the ‘perfect’ life afterwards. Now this I must say is where things go
So one day I ask myself does it all matter? I mean
the money and the rush? What do I get to forgo as I chase the ‘good’ life? The
answer I got is a no. It isn’t worth it. See, I read a story of this guy that
spent his entire life, dude was kedo 50 years when writing the story, working
to give himself some financial security and take care of his family but almost
thirty years down the line he only had a broken marriage and nothing much
financially. Truth is that his wife thought he’d gotten boring whereas he
thought he was working hard for the good of everyone. Never taking work-breaks
and going beyond expectations to get that promotion. You know the “you have
changed vibe”? Yes that's the one that ended their marriage and after the wife
had cheated with someone ‘interesting’ (she had been cheating for almost 10
year before she got caught! Women can hide stuff bana!).
He had crippled his social life. Now allow me to
give a disclaimer here – don’t stop working then get broke and miserable and
blame me….me and my lawyer have got that figured out. Moving on, my point
is...live before your life is over aye. Tomorrow as they say holds no promises.
Breath slow, feel the air. Listen to the birds chirp and watch butterflies
erratically fly around. Move with the rhythm of life. Slow down the dance.
Ravish the moments. Hear the music before the song is over. (You have to adore
my poetic skills there).
Here is the game plan I came up with to help
you…okay I may have copied this somewhere but still….Go climb trees in the park
when camping. Go for road trips. Do what you love even if you don’t get paid
for it. Climb on top of a mountain and shout or scream or something (I hear
this one reduces stress levels) or better still play the song you love loudly
and dance wildly as you sing along to it (not sure of the results here).
Basically have fun, meet new and interesting humans, pay attention to your
friends, hangout more, don’t sleep with a million chores running through your
head, also organise a protest (a peaceful one for that matter). If you are the
chatty type try and be quiet and reflect on something. Do things you want not
the ones you should. Learn that it is not all about the money and getting rich.
There’s more to life than chasing the highs.
I am inclined to say that the human experience is
the same mysterious and super-enjoyable experience that has been for the last
hundreds of years. Make memories and reminisce the ones already made.
Life is not a race, take it slow. Hear the music
before the song is over.