Living In The Moment
Life has always and will always unfold in the present. A good
thing I must say. However, there is a dark side to this given the way life will
slip some of us by because we are never on the present. So often I have seen
friends allow the pleasurable moments to slip away, allowing time to go by
unobserved, unseized, unappreciated – you name it. And this is not a good
thing. Let me give you a little background of why I am blogging about this. So
a few days ago I am at a restaurant having lunch and the song ‘Living In The
Moment’ by Jason Mraz (You’ve never heard of it? C’mmon! What do you listen to
again? Listen to it here ) is playing in the background. As I stare at
my plate of Matoke and Beef (not so delicious by the way) the song caught my
attention and got me drifting. Part of it goes like
Making up all kinds of ways
To worry 'bout all the things
That will not happen to me ….’
It took me back to those good times back in college when all
we did was hang out and read as little as we could. We loved living in the
moments. We had fun and I am sure my friends that will read this are witnesses.
I can say we came, we saw and we conquered – not entirely sure how this is
applicable here but moving on swiftly (or not), we did have the time of our
lives, especially in our final year. However, my concern is for the people that
went through that life – which was supposed to be super-awesome - full of
worries. This is why I am writing – for the one soul that is never at rest in
the present. Pretty sure now you get it. It is all about the ‘Right here. Right
now’ philosophy.
So let’s dive right into it. You are working but you mind is
on vacation. You are on vacation but you are worried about the work that will
be waiting for you back at the office. You are supposed to enjoy a present
moment but your mind will not let you. There is always something coming up, a
deadline, an event, a duty…something. The future worries you too much and you
are always trying to change it. Then there is the past, thing you did and the
things you did not do that still haunt you. The could-should-may have dones that
are constantly killing you.
Let me bring this closer. You are having coffee at Java and instead
of enjoying every sip you make you’re thinking “is this better than what I had
last week at Cafe Deli?” You are eating cookies and they are good...really good…They always
are by the way… and instead of enjoying the cookies you’re thinking “I hope I don’t
run out of cookies”. You are at a concert and everyone is dancing their ass off
but what are doing? You are taking pictures and recordings with your phone. I
am too sure you won’t get to dance with that phone later. Do these experiences sound
familiar? Yes? Good. Not a desirable life you would agree with me. Everyone (you
included) pretty much would jump at the chance of living in the moment some can
even lecture about it (despite the fact that they do not do it) but the
question of ‘how’ comes up.
So before we get to the how I need you to stop judging my
proposition of living in the present. Pretty sure you’re sitting there
wondering – how about the future? The money I should make? That blue Subaru? I
mean will the future be there if I just sink into the present? Shouldn’t I be
concerned about that? Well you just have to believe it – Ye of little faith. You
make the future great by living moments the right way now. The milestones that you
envision are made up of tiny worry-free moments. Now back to the how. Top of
the list (I even have a list mahn! Awesome isn’t it?) is that you to stop being
too self-conscious. Imagine life as you being on a dance floor. When you start
having questions like - are people are judging me? Where should my arms be? Should I let go? This is when you look like a
clown dancing. The trick is to simply let go – the ‘be here right now’ kind of
thing. Don’t be that paranoid chic who over-thinks everything. Mark you I never
said you zone-out on life because that is very insane. Stay sober, we need thee

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